Examples of DNA isolation protocolsTaken from:
DNA methylation: Bisulphite modification and analysisPublished in:
Nature ProtocolsThe abovementioned box contains four short protocols for isolating DNA from (1) tissue samples and cell lines, (2) Paraffin block samples, (3) Slide samples, and (4) small numbers of cultured cells (10
5) after isolation of RNA using TRIzol.
You might used your isolated DNA for any number of things, but in this protocol the idea is to find sites of DNA methylation.
Quote from the abstract: "The process of bisulphite treatment exploits the different sensitivities of cytosine and 5-methylcytosine (5-MeC) to deamination by bisulphite under acidic conditions—in which cytosine undergoes conversion to uracil, whereas 5-MeC remains unreactive."